The Curriculum and Assessment Review, new Ofsted Inspection Framework and exam boards want education to be more inclusive.
Author Archives: Dale Pickles
With the changes to the Ofsted framework, it’s crucial for SENCOs and school leadership teams to stay informed, ensuring that their SEN provision meets the new standards and expectations.
Summary and Introduction to the Curriculum and Assessment Review, with key information to help explain the implications.
Is your school getting the most out of its Progress Data? This webinar focuses on troubleshooting potential data issues, as well as highlighting how to show progress for different groups of students and how to save your reports to use again.
What does the AI Chatbot, ChatGPT think about how we look at progress for pupils with SEN? What does it think are the barriers to progress?
This webinar is about how to analyse progress for pupils with SEND. It covers different types of progress and why you would use them. Then outlines the process you should use to analyse your data and how to share this information with others.
How should schools set targets for pupils with SEND? Watch this webinar to find out how schools can set, manage and review targets in a way that will benefit your pupils with SEND.
Target setting for pupils with SEND is always a hot topic, with schools wanting to know they are doing the best for their pupils. I am often asked questions like is there a formula they can use?
Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) is our latest pack. It is designed to be used up to Year 9 to help pupils prepare for life beyond education.
Are you spending hours analysing attainment data against judgements/expectations? Watch this webinar to find out how our new analytics platform will simplify and speed up your analysis of pupils’ progress.