Assessing ALL pupils in one system using Connecting Steps Webinar

Watch this webinar to find out how to assess, analyse and identify next steps for ALL of your pupils in one easy to use inclusive system. Our Connecting Steps software provides inclusive Primary School assessment for children working at Age Related Expectations and those with SEND.

Our MD Dale Pickles explains the benefits of using one system for assessment across your school:

  • One system for all pupils saves time, saves money and makes whole school data easier to manage.
  • Different levels of detail for pupils working at ARE and those working below.
  • A consistent approach across the whole school for all pupils.
  • Reduce teacher workload by including SEND pupils from the beginning in assessment, planning and report writing.
  • For Early Years and Primary settings.

If you have any questions about this webinar, you can contact Dale via email –

If you would like to find out more about how B Squared can help your school to show progress for ALL of your pupils, you can book a free online meeting with one of the team. Click on the button below to find a time and date that suits you.


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