We want to make sure that Schools in Wales are getting the most out of our software!
Over the past year, we have introduced significant changes within our Connecting Steps assessment software – including additional frameworks, enhanced reporting capabilities and new analysis tools. We’ve also updated our e-portfolio tool, Evisense. Join our FREE webinar just for Welsh schools – it’s your chance to understand how to use Connecting Steps and Evisense to show your pupils’ progress and quickly get up to speed with all the latest features.
Celebrating Progress in the Curriculum for Wales for pupils with ALN
Our FREE Webinar was broadcast LIVE on Thursday 9 May, 4pm
Here’s why you should attend:
- Understand how to use the software to show your pupils’ progress.
- Quickly get up to speed with all the latest features – including new easy analysis and reporting.
- First look at our new and improved Evisense e-portfolio.
- Ideal as a refresher for existing users.
- Help new users at your school get started.
Assessment and E-Portfolios for the Curriculum for Wales 2022, for Pupils with ALN
B Squared’s assessment software Connecting Steps has been used by schools for over 20 years to show the small steps of progress made by pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN). Our first assessment frameworks designed specifically for Wales were launched in 2016. Schools can now celebrate progress for all students working on the current Curriculum for Wales using our new Welsh Progression Steps and our Evisense e-portfolio.
Connecting Steps – assessment software tracks pupil progress on Routes for Learning through to Welsh Progression Step 3
Teachers can show progress, plan next steps and get a whole school picture around assessment and progress. We have achieved this by breaking down the Curriculum for Wales steps into smaller steps. Pupils with ALN will often have a spikey profile, making progress in some areas, while struggling in others. Connecting Steps also allows schools to assess pupils over multiple levels and has a number of reports to show the progress pupils are making across multiple levels.
Evisense – e-portfolio to share pupils’ experiences and the progress they are making with parents
Our new Evisense is an evidence and parental communication platform. An easy to use system to capture and share evidence of progress and other information securely. The new Curriculum for Wales wants all children to have an e-portfolio as a way of demonstrating the progress pupils have made as well as all the experiences they have had. Evisense is an ideal candidate as it links directly to our assessment content for the Curriculum for Wales, it also links to the new Four Purposes. E-portfolios are a great way to share with parents what is going on in school and allow schools to see what is being achieved at home.
Data to inform, plan and celebrate the small steps of success
“Tracking pupil progress is made simple with B Squared and more importantly helps us plan for each student’s bespoke curriculum needs. This is not data for data’s sake! This is data to inform, plan and celebrate the small steps of success that our pupils make.”
Llinos Watkins / Canolfan yr Eithin
A very positive impact on our assessment and it’s easy for all to use
“Since we introduced Connecting Steps into our Specialist Teaching Facility we have been able to clearly assess and track our students’ progress. It links to the Curriculum for Wales and to date has shown that all our pupils are making progress. The tool caters for all levels of students which is excellent and extends down to Routes for Learning and up to ABC Steps and beyond. Connecting Steps has made a very positive impact on our assessment, and it’s easy for all to use.”
Bridget Radford / Pontarddulais Comprehensive