Exciting news, we have partnered with The Seashell Trust to bring Parent Talks to parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
We have been running online conferences for schools for two years, with speakers sharing their wealth of experience of SEND in schooling and assessment. Still, we recognised the lack of information and support for parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and decided to provide the same platform to help support them.
The Seashell Trust is a charity dedicated to providing a creative, happy and secure environment for children and young people with complex and severe learning disabilities. Who also understand parents frustrations at the lack of information and support. With their sponsorship of 100 tickets, together we are trying to bridge the gap.
Parent Talks is a series of online pre-recorded talks that parents can access from home, whenever they want. We have ten speakers from all areas to deliver 12 talks and share their experience, insight and expertise to help guide and support parents. Watch this short introduction video.