Ensuring better outcomes for all children with SEND

Star Primary School Logo

“B Squared has helped us to uphold and maintain Star Primary’s intention to ensure all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability.

Connecting Steps has equipped our teachers with assessment tools that enable the personalised planning and learning needed by our students to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.”

Faria Alam, Assistant Head Inclusion & SENCO, Star Primary


Star Primary is using B Squared’s Connecting Steps assessment software with our Primary Steps framework designed for pupils with SEND in primary settings who are working outside of their year group or below Year 1. Primary Steps also incorporates the Pre-Key Stage Standards to judge progress towards end of key stage assessments.

In addition, the school uses our autism profiling tool Autism Progress to help profile a student’s autism and how it impacts them and their learning. Support strategies are provided to help with each individual’s development.

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Ensuring better outcomes for children
with SEND

As an Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship School, the team at Star Primary works towards removing all barriers to learning and participation, providing a holistic education that is appropriate to pupils’ needs, promoting high standards and the fulfilment of potential for all pupils. Supporting positive relationships, active engagement, and wellbeing are also a core focus.

The School has used B Squared’s assessments since 2004. According to Assistant Head Inclusion & SENCO, Faria Alam, “We have never looked back since because the service and the frameworks have provided excellent support in assessing our students and evidencing progress. Our experience has just got better since the latest version of Connecting Steps was released, making it quicker and easier to demonstrate pupils’ progress.”

Showing individual, group and whole school progress

“Connecting Steps provides us with data that tracks the small steps of progress that students with EHCPs and other SEND needs make in all curriculum areas. It gives teachers a common language to use when talking about assessment for SEND children. It also provides a central place that teachers, curriculum leads or the senior leadership can access to understand individual, group and whole school SEND progress in all areas of learning and development.”

Tracking small steps of progress for autistic children

“With a growing number of students on the Autism Spectrum, Autism Progress has helped us to monitor the small steps of progress in all four areas of need for children with ASD: communication, social interaction, flexibility of thought and emotional regulation. This has supported us in providing a holistic education appropriate to the needs of Autistic children; promoting high standards, and fulfilment of their maximum potential in all areas of learning and life skills.”

Ensuring better outcomes for pupils

“Being able to track small steps of progress with Connecting Steps means that pupils and their parents can ‘see’ evidence of progress and feel a sense of achievement. This information can also be used to inform and evidence progress for EHCP and annual review meetings. Teachers are now more confident in their assessment of pupils. Leading to a more accurate knowledge of our pupils’ strengths and difficulties, more precise teaching and better outcomes for children.”

“Connecting Steps has given our teaching staff the confidence to accurately track children’s data and use it to inform future planning. This has enabled us to personalise learning to individual needs, address barriers to learning and provide specific help where needed.”
Faria Alam, Assistant Head Inclusion & SENCO, Star Primary School.

Want an easy way to show pupil progress?

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