Target Setting for Pupils with SEND Webinar

Watch this webinar to find out how schools can set, manage and review targets in a way that will benefit your pupils with SEND.

Our MD Dale Pickles addresses key questions including:

  • How do schools set targets?
  • Who sets the targets?
  • Where do the targets come from?
  • How do schools review targets throughout the year?
  • What different kinds of targets are there?
  • How should schools set targets?

Great feedback from Teachers and SENCOs on our Live Chat during the broadcast


“Thanks, really interesting, lots to think about and share with others in school.”  Jacky Abbott

“Thank you Dale. You have reassured us that we are doing the right thing for our learners.”  Yeoman Park

“Thank you – this has been really useful.”  Patricia Newstead

“Thanks – feel reassured that we are on the right track.”  Ruth Gooch

If you have any questions about this webinar, you can contact Dale via email –

If you would like to find out more about how B Squared can help your school to show progress for ALL of your pupils, you can book a free online meeting with one of the team. Click on the button below to find a time and date that suits you.


Target Setting for Pupils with SEND

“Over the last few months I have been writing a document around target setting. This is based on all the conversations I have had with schools over the last 20 years. In the document, I discuss the misconceptions people have around targets. Who are targets for? What are targets judging? What does not achieving a target mean? I also discuss what schools should do going forward. Some schools will be in immediate agreement with what I have written and will see their own practice is aligned with my suggestions. Other schools may disagree with my suggestions. If you do disagree, there are questions on page 24 of my target setting document to help you reflect on your current approach, so that you can decide if your current approach is effective,” Dale Pickles, Managing Director, B Squared.

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