Analysing Data for Pupils with SEND Webinar

Watch this webinar to find out how to analyse school data effectively in order to help improve outcomes for your pupils with SEND.

Our MD Dale Pickles covers the following:

  • Types of Progress – there’s no ‘one way’ for all pupils!
  • Individual vs Group
  • What groups to analyse
  • Outcomes vs Progress
  • The right expectations
  • Data is not a judgement

Great feedback on our Live Chat during the broadcast

“Simply excellent! I’m new to looking at Data and started to ‘panic’ when asked to analyse data for a Governance Report – I only wish I had the information from tonight then! Thank you so much!”  
Gail Carter, Assistant Head / SENCO, Arc School Ansley 

“Thank you – a great webinar – very informative and thought provoking!”  Melanie Badcock

“This has opened my eyes to data analysis as a SENCO. I’m one of those who has had a fear of data!”  Vicki

“Thank you Dale, this has been great as usual!” Sam

If you have any questions about this webinar, you can contact Dale via email –

If you would like to find out more about how B Squared can help your school to show progress for ALL of your pupils, you can book a free online meeting with one of the team. Click on the button below to find a time and date that suits you.


Using Data to Improve Outcomes for Pupils with SEND

“I have also written a document on Data Analysis for Pupils with SEND. In this document, I discuss data and how schools should be analysing data. There are graphs and spreadsheets everywhere, but is it making a difference? Lots of people are not confident with data. This is often because they are not sure what they are looking for or what questions to ask of their data. The problem is not the data, the problem is they don’t know what they want answers to. I truly believe data should be useful, powerful, and used to improve outcomes for pupils. This webinar and the supporting document are aimed at helping schools to do just that!” Dale Pickles, Managing Director, B Squared.

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