Streamlining assessment and making evidence management easier

“Working with B Squared has simplified how we track and assess progress. Using Connecting Steps for assessment we have data to hand when needed and we can access supporting evidence of learning easily using Evisense.”

Laura Reid,
Acting Principal Teacher,
St Martin’s Primary

St Martin’s Primary School is using
B Squared’s Connecting Steps assessment software to assess the progress of ALL of its pupils across a wide range of abilities in one assessment system with our Steps to Excellence, Milestones and Communication and Interaction assessment frameworks.

Our evidence of learning tool, Evisense is used to quickly and easily capture, store and share evidence to support assessment and parental engagement.

In addition, the school uses our autism profiling tool Autism Progress to help profile a student’s autism and how it impacts them and their learning. Support strategies are provided to help with each individual’s development.

To find out how B Squared can help your school
Call: 01252 870 133

Streamlining assessment and making evidence management easier

St Martin’s Primary is a Roman Catholic primary school located in North East Glasgow. An inclusive school, with mainstream and additional support needs provision, St Martin’s is child centred and focused on meeting the needs of all of its learners. The school’s values are diversity, inclusion, community and equity. The staff work closely with parents and other partners to ensure the best outcomes for all young people.

Before working with B Squared, the school used professional judgements about working levels and would evidence achievements by collecting and annotating pictures. According to Acting Principal Teacher, Laura Reid, “This was difficult to manage and update.”

Simplified assessment and tracking process for teachers

“Using B Squared’s assessment software, Connecting Step has simplified the assessment and tracking process for teachers. It ensures that accurate and up to date information is available at all times and that this is passed on to new teachers. Registration and teaching groups are easy to organise for both adding assessment information and tracking progress.”

Learning pitched at the correct level for learners

“Connecting Steps is a fabulous resource for all of our teachers. It helps new teachers become familiar with the small steps of learning, the levels of engagement and moderating learning experiences. It also enables all of our staff to ensure that learning is pitched at the correct level for each learner.”

Save time managing evidence of learning with Evisense

“Using Evisense to manage our evidence of learning saves hours in collecting and storing evidence. Photos and videos of the children’s progress can also be easily and securely shared with parents. This really helps to engage parents in what’s going on at school and supporting their child’s learning at home.”

Streamlined assessment and evidence management

“Using B Squared’s software has streamlined our assessment and tracking and made evidence of learning much easier to collect, store and present.”

“We find working with B Squared extremely cost effective. The ongoing hosting fee is reasonable and using the software saves us so much time in assessing and tracking learning and evidencing the smallest steps of progress. It also gives teachers a clear language to discuss outcomes and moderate learning experiences.”
Laura Reid, Acting Principal Teacher, St Martin’s Primary.

Want an easy way to show pupil progress?

Book a FREE online meeting to find out how we can help make assessment easier for your school

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