What does the AI Chatbot, ChatGPT think about how we look at progress for pupils with SEN? What does it think are the barriers to progress?
Category Archives: Blog
Target setting for pupils with SEND is always a hot topic, with schools wanting to know they are doing the best for their pupils. I am often asked questions like is there a formula they can use?
Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) is our latest pack. It is designed to be used up to Year 9 to help pupils prepare for life beyond education.
There are lots of blogs already out about these 2 papers, from various different angles, but here are my views.
How do our assessment frameworks differ to the pre-key stage standards? Should the pre-key stage standards be broken down to track progress?
Lots of people are talking about using the Engagement Model, but aren’t really sure what it is. Does it replace the P levels? Which pupils do you use it with? Do you need to use it? Are there alternatives?
On Monday 27th of January 2020, the DfE released draft guidance called “The Engagement Model”.
Strangely, it didn’t appear in the Governments announcements or the DFE Email Digest, and it doesn’t appear in the list of News and Communications from the DfE.
What is the solution for schools that need a more efficient way of tracking and assessing pupil progress but also want to save time spent on building and understanding data?
On the 22nd March 2019, B Squared ran its first SEND-focused conference to provide support for schools and professionals. The conference was designed to benefit the whole education sector, including mainstream teachers, SEND school staff and anyone else seeking high-quality CPD courses in SEND-related topics.
We have now completed our Cyber Essentials Certification for the year. Whilst this is broad in its approach, it helps to ensure that even the smallest of companies are thinking about online security and helping to keep themselves secure.
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