Category Archives: Connecting Steps Home

Removal of P Levels – 2 Years On What Has Changed & How Have Schools Responded?

Removal of P Levels – 2 Years On What Has Changed & How Have Schools Responded?

The removal of P Levels has been a long journey, that has taken 7 years to complete. A lot of people think that the removal of P Levels started with the ‘Rochford Review: Final Report’ that was released in October 2016. It actually started in the summer of 2013, when the DfE announced the plans to remove levels, introduce a new curriculum and change the end of key stage tests.

Helping Governors and External Agencies to Effectively Judge Progress for Pupils with SEND

Helping Governors and External Agencies to Effectively Judge Progress for Pupils with SEND

In this webinar, I explore all the different ways schools can present their progress and how governors and external agencies can use this information to truly understand the impact of teaching and how the students are progressing, however that progress is measured and represented.

Are you ready for the removal of P Levels?

Are You Ready for the Removal of P Levels?

P-Levels have been used in schools since 1998 to assess the progress of pupils working below the national curriculum level. In May 2018, in response to the Rochford Review, the government released the new pre-key-stage standards for 2018-19, which will replace P-Levels. This webinar covered the changes to the end-of-key-stage statutory assessment.